Tuesday, February 23, 2016

4 reasons to start traveling!

Travel is not just going abroad to see a country and experience a different culture. When you travel properly, it is much more than that. In fact, I believe travel is a way of life. A way to make the entire Earth your home, no matter where you go. A way of life in which you are fully able to grow, experience total freedom and fuel the spirit.
In this post I will go through a few reasons why you should start traveling and stop making excuses.

1.  Get a backpack full of memories!

When you travel you will experience some of the best moments in your life that will make great memories and stories. Diving with sharks in Australia, drinking a cocktail on a lovely white beach on the Maldives, skydive in New Zealand or a hike through the wonderful rainforest of Thailand. If you stay at home, you will never be able to create such memories that will stick to you for a lifetime.

2. Travel is the best education.

You can learn a lot in school, but you will never learn as much as when you’re traveling. When you travel you experience everything first hand. You will get to know the REAL world. You will see the good and the bad, poor and rich. A book can tell you what it’s like, but it can never let you experience it. You learn more about life by experiencing life than by reading a book about it. You enrich yourself so much when you travel. Maybe not in mathematics, but definately about life.

3. Personal growth.

When you are in another country, a new environment or another culture, you can’t help but notice that you really are on your own. You basically get forced to step out of your comfort zone and expand your mindset. You become more open minded and humble. The things that bothered you back home, will instantly disappear. You start to understand what life is and your priorities will change. This personal growth will be different for each individual, but it will happen to all of us.

4. Experience true freedom.

I think we all agree that waking up way too early in the morning, rush off to a job where you spend 8 hours a day, getting taxed while doing so has nothing to do with freedom. It’s modern day slavery.
But when you travel, all of that will move to the background until it will be non existent.
When you are a long term traveler like me and are bound to nothing, you can just do whatever you feel like doing, whenever or wherever. No worries about any debts or bills, the only worry you’ll have is deciding what you want to see or experience next. That doesn’t sound too bad, right?
But even when you’re not a long term traveler, you will still be able to rid yourself of everyday worries, because you are in a different environment, with so many new impressions. All the things and worries back home will vanish.
Ofcourse there are many more reasons to start traveling, but that would be too much to mention in one blog post.
I can honestly say that traveling has changed and enriched my life massively.
Stop making excuses about why you shouldn’t go, just go.

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