Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Change your mind, change your life

Just three years ago, my life was completely different. I didn’t travel (besides the occasional holiday), I had a full time job, a house and a “normal” life.
I never fully lived my life because I didn’t know anything else. You learn from the very beginning to participate in society, go to school, get a job, work the rest of your life and maybe at the end when you retire, you can live for a few years. I started to question this more and more as I grew older.
Are we really here to just work our asses off or is there something more to life? I never quite fit in the society as we know it, it never made me happy nor passionate about anything. I tried several studies without success, several jobs I didn’t like and the more I got into it, the more I got stuck and disconnected from who I am.
I had two options, accept it or change it. I choose the latter.

Change your mindset

The one thing that always made my heart beat faster with excitement was the thought of travelling the world. When I got back from work or school, I would let my imagination run wild. In my mind I was an adventurer crossing lands by foot, conquered oceans by sailboat, discovered civilizations in places yet to be discovered.
The more I dreamed about it, the more my heart yearned to get started. But how was it possible? From the moment we are born we learn that we need to work hard in order to be able to do what we love, money is all that matters.  A world ruled by a piece of paper. You are taught to tell yourself the life you really want is impossible. I couldn’t believe that was all there is in life and at some point I felt it so strong, that I flipped my mindset around. The things you love ARE possible, you don’t NEED to work 50 years in order to live the last 10 years of your life. You can live NOW.

Think positive

Positive things come to those with positive thoughts. Negative things come to those with negative thoughts.
Everyone experienced a day where they got out of bed, hit their toes so hard that you immediately think, “Oh this is going to be one of those days where everything goes bad” and you end up having a horrible day where everything that could possibly go wrong, goes wrong.
That’s because you LET IT go wrong by thinking it goes wrong. Our imagination is stronger than we realize and thoughts create our world. Every idea started with a thought, every dream started with a thought. You attract what you put out into the world.
I know it’s one of the hardest things to keep thinking positive, but once you get better and better at it, you will see your life change before your eyes as if it’s pure magic.
When I changed my mindset and started thinking positive, every single dream I once had, one by one turned into reality. This doesn’t mean bad things never happen to me anymore, that is still part of the learning progress in life. But you can either let it get you down, or see the true lesson given to pull yourself up and move on.
Bad things NEED to happen in order to understand life better, to understand our feelings and emotions better and to start appreciating what we are given.

You are meant to do what makes you passionate

If you can feel in your heart and soul that you are passionate about what you’re doing, you’re doing the right thing and you’re following the path meant for you in life.
And when you really follow what’s meant for you, all the things that you need on this journey will come to you one way or another. That’s one of the laws of our Universe.
If you are not fully passionate about what you’re doing, you won’t be provided with what you need, but life will give you certain signs to move you to your true path.
Learn to see those signs, because it can be hard to find what it is you’re meant to do.
Don’t be afraid to step out of your current life just because you don’t have the money or whatever other excuse you keep telling yourself.
Follow your calling and life will give you everything you need. It all starts with a single thought.

Use your imagination

Just a single thought gets the ball rolling, but a vivid imagination turns it into creation. Imagine as if you’re already living the life you love. FEEL it. Don’t think about the obstacles, think about the possibilities. In our imagination bad things happen more often than they turn out to do in live. Our thoughts alone can make us miserable, it doesn’t even have to happen in real life. Most of our bad feelings are from our own creation in our minds. How often have we imagined things to go horribly bad while in real life things don’t go bad as often as in our minds. But every negative thought we feed, we imagine more vividly and in the end it creates a reality in our life. Thoughts and imagination are so powerful, we can even make ourselves physically and mentally sick just from one single negative thought.
Use your imagination wisely for it creates our reality.

Embrace the magic

Now that we know we need to think positive and imagine what we want vividly and really FEEL it, we can start creating. This creation will come at you naturally like magic. All we have to do it embrace it. Be grateful for it. Being grateful is very important. Embrace not just the magic, but also the obstacles along the way. They are there for a reason and we should be grateful for it.
Don’t think you never have to work in your life ever again. Work is a broad term. It doesn’t nessecarily have to be a job, it can also mean taking things on your path that might seem to lead you from it, in order to learn something or help you with your future part of the path. Just sitting in your chair, imagining sitting on a beach and waiting for it to happen doesn’t work. we need to learn how to read the signs given to us in life.
But the things we are passionate about and imagine and feel vividly, WILL happen to you, one way or another.

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