Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My current definition of life

Written on 15 march 2014

Everyone wonders sometimes, what life is all about. Why are we here, what is the meaning of life and do we have a purpose in life?What great mysteries lie out there in our great Universe and even here on our beautiful little planet Earth.
So many different worlds are in our tiny little world already, how many worlds will there be in the Universe?
Me, personally, find this very interesting. The feeling that we are somehow connected, not just here on Earth, but also in space and beyond everything our eyes can see. It goes on into infinity, it doesn’t end.
For example, just go for a walk in the forest, just by yourself, no other people around. You feel some sort of connection, you hear the birds and even de sounds of insects finding their way across the planet.
Nature doesn’t stop, nature doesn’t stress, nature has all the time in the world. Nature lives in the present time and doesn’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday.
I truly believe that nature and Mother Earth has a conciousness far beyond ours. She feels, she hears, she breathes and she provides us with everything we need.
Before I came to Australia, I already felt that there is so much more in life than we see in our everyday lives. But you get stuck in a system that makes you work, go to school, follow the rules and forget about our true selves. A system created by men, a system to control people. How can you feel free in a system that is nothing but an illusion?
Now that I started traveling, I start to truly understand what life is about, what life is suppose to be. I thought I knew when I was still in Holland, but I never truly felt it until I experienced it when I was truly on the road.
We are so caught up in our lives, that we forget about other people, helping other people and taking time for ourselves. When you are traveling, you start to realize that you’re so dependent on other people and that other people are so dependent on you. Life is about helping eachother out, you are not alone in this world. It’s a good thing to be independent, but you can never survive without the help of other people, Mother Earth and nature.We are all connected, we are all in this together. One cannot survive without the other.
The feeling you get when a complete stranger helps you out, teaches you their view on the world, that’s a feeling you can’t describe. You feel instantly connected to that person and you feel so much love for that person. The same goes for helping strangers out, the gratitude you get in response, it’s the most wonderful feeling in the world. The feeling that you actually matter in this world.
When I started to look into nature, I realized that life is about moving on. Just like nature does. If you’re unhappy about your life, change it! You have every right to change it and you have the ability to do so!
Buddha once said: You become what you think.
Thoughts create your world.
When u truly believe you can do something, the Universe will provide you the way! That’s the law of attraction and it really works! I was sceptical about it at first, but once I started to live like this, magic happened.
Life is about being positive, helping others, be grateful and always love with your whole being!
Always be in love with the world around you and magic happens. I see magic in everything and a whole new, much much bigger world opened for me. I don’t even know where to start, it’s so beautiful!
Share your ideas about life with other people, no matter how crazy they sound. There are always people who don’t believe in it. These people are stuck in a system or believe that doesn’t allow them to open their mind. They don’t believe in miracles and magic. But we must also accept these people, it’s the life they’ve choosen.
Live your life, do the things you like. Dare to change it if it doesn’t feel right.
True life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Start living now, it’s never too late. You only have to change your thoughts and let go of your fears.

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